
Navigate with Style

Charting the style of daily life...with the mouth of a sailor.

Trying Tria...part 2

DIY, TRIA, beauty, giveaway, skincareNavigate with StyleComment
I'm a month in to my adventures with home laser hair removal and while I haven't seen any results just yet I'm certainly getting very comfortable with the device and the process. I started just with my underarms since the area is small but I quickly expanded the treatment to other parts. I mean, if I'm going to go through this process I might as well emerge on the other end like a hairless cat, right?
Since I've now treated my designated spots twice I'm anxious to start seeing the hair that does grow in become more fine and the overall growth rate slow down after subsequent treatments. I have yet to experience any real pain and have not had any skin irritation so I'm planning to increase the laser's intensity from 2 to 3 (on a scale of 5) for my next session.

Stay tuned for part 3 next month and if you missed part 1 click here.
